Dedicated Disciple of the Cross -DDC
Faith Queries.

Q: - Is charity a MAJOR part of witnessing? By E.Fonseca
For all Christian charity, witnessing constitutes its ultimate goal. Though Christian Charity is selfless yet it has a goal and direction. It is not an aimless activity in nothingness. This very reason one cannot be saying that Christian Charity is selfless charity without looking for a goal or reward. St. Paul talking about Christian Charity has this to say;”To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak. Click to read the complete article

How do I judge what is truth or not? By L.M.
......The reason there is so much of confusion and this confusion can even be seen in many aspects of Church life. This is so because of the arrogance of self and a learning which makes us trust ourselves rather than depend on God the source of all wisdom.
The absence of the knowledge of the ultimate truth makes it unfeasible to safely judge and comprehend the truths in a world corrupted by the lies of empty philosophies and thoughts of men. (Col.2:8) . Click on to read the complete article

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